Hey 4-H’ers! Welcome back to our Grants and Scholarships series. This week brings a new and challenging national grant for you to take a look at, as well as some statewide grants from individual states. And remember, if you know of a grant we don’t mention here, please let everyone know about it in the comments field below.
It’s time to get busy and get those applications submitted – and good luck to everyone!

* 4-H National Mentoring Program Grant

This week, the national 4-H Council announced another significant grant opportunity and youth development program. Funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs, this grant is available to 4-H members in all 50 states.
This is an exceptional grant opportunity for those who are willing to get out there and do some serious work! Grantees will recreate one of three documented programs at two different sites (sites can recreate different programs), reaching at least 60 youth per site for a total of 120 youth. Sites must target at-risk or high-risk youth populations ages 8 through 17 years.
You can learn all about the grant and the three programs you can choose from here –
4-H National Mentoring Program.
* West Virginia Higher Education Grant Program (West Virginia and Pennsylvania)
The West Virginia Higher Education Grant Program is now taking applicants. The program awards funds to qualifying undergraduates who require financial assistance in order to attend an (approved) educational institution located in either West Virginia or Pennsylvania.
If you live in West Virginia and had your eyes set on a specific college in either of these states, only to realize you didn’t have the funds, then you’ve got to take a look at this grant program. Don’t let the tuition and fees keep you out of college!
Talk with your high school counselor or college financial aid department to see if you qualify. Just ask them about the
West Virginia Higher Education Grant.
* Grant Writing Workshop in West Virginia
Speaking of West Virginia, we wanted to let you know about a workshop being held this Tuesday at the West Virginia Wesleyan College’s Center for Community Engagement.
You can learn a lot of different things at the workshop; from writing the grants to why grants are rejected to “to dos” and “not to dos” and much more. If you are seriously seeking a grant or scholarship, then this is the place to be on Tuesday.
Click here to find out more, including contact information and times –
Center for Community Engagement Hosting Free Grant Writing Workshop.
* National Wild Turkey Federation Grants (Kansas and Nebraska)
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, so it’s only natural that we mention
something about turkeys!
The National Wild Turkey Federation has been providing grants to 4-H students for years. But this year, instead of sending one large grant to state 4-H leaders to divide up, they are going to be accepting proposals from local 4-H Shooting Sports Clubs for funding to purchase new equipment – directly to the NWTF Regional Biologist by December 31.
So if your Shooting Club is in desperate need of new equipment, give this one a look.
Find out more at the NWTF blog here –
NWTF is FOR 4-H!.

Remember there are literally thousands of scholarship and grant opportunities for 4-H students all over the country and in your local area. All you have to do is get online and start searching. If you still can’t find something up your alley, simply contact your college of choice’s financial aid office or your high school counselor and they will be able to help you find something to fit your needs and financial status.
Good luck everybody!
Well, that’s it for this week. Don’t let the holidays slow down your grant and scholarship search, you may miss out on a great opportunity!
Make sure to check back next week for another list of exciting and educational grant and scholarship opportunities. If you know of an opportunity that we haven’t featured here, please tell us about it in the comment field below!