Hey there 4-H’ers! How was your Thanksgiving holiday? Have you all had enough turkey and dressing to last for another year?
All kidding aside, we hope you’re all doing great after a few well-deserved days off!
It’s always tough to get back to work after a holiday, but it’s time to get those thinking caps back on, get busy and start submitting those applications again. We discuss a few below that may be of interest to you.
Good luck to everyone!

University of California’s Healthy Living Grant Program

As you all know, 4-H
loves to promote healthy living to our nation’s youth and their families. The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program is offering mini-grants for those who wish to help support the healthy living movement with their own healthy living project.
California 4-H clubs, units and groups may apply for funding (financial support may be requested for amounts up to $1,000). The proposal is to be developed and submitted by 4-H youth ages 14-19, partnering with 4-H adult volunteers or staff. Members age 5 and up can be group members..
There are several categories of project you can choose from, all a great way to give back to those in your community. You can learn more about the grant and get all the details here –
U.C. 4-H Youth Development Program.
University of California 4-H Scholarships for Higher Education
Since we’re on the subject of California, it seems like a good time to feature the University of California’s Scholarship for Higher Education Program.
Through donor funding, the University is offering scholarships to eligible 4-H students across the entire state of California. If you were enrolled in the California 4-H Youth Development Program at the time of your high school graduation, then you are a serious contender for one of these scholarships!
To check out all of the scholarship application categories, click here –
U.C. 4-H Scholarship Categories.
Multiple Tennessee College Scholarship Programs
If you’re a 4-H’er in Tennessee, then there are plenty of scholarships available to you. The deadlines for applying for these scholarships is still far in the future, but it’s always good to get a head start or to shore up any loose ends which may be required for being awarded the scholarship.
Tennessee offers scholarships ranging from Agriculture to Technology and everything in between, and they are open to all Tennessee 4-H members regardless of previous awards won. These are all annual and the value of each scholarship which is funded by an endowment will be determined annually according to the availability of funds.
Take a look at this page for a list of current available scholarships –
Tennessee 4-H College Scholarship Programs.
Champions For Healthy Kids Grant
Here’s another super way you guys and gals can help out the youth in your community. It will promote health and wellness to everyone in your community and will promote your 4-H program as well, possibly leading to future growth.
This national grant awards 50 grants of $10,000 each every year to groups that develop creative and effective ways to help youth in the community adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle.
This is a big one, funded by General Mills, the American Dietetic Association and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. So if you want to promote health in your community, have a great plan of action and you’re ready to make a difference, then this is just what you’ve been looking for.
Find out more about how to apply on the General Mills website here –
General Mills Champions for Healthy Kids.

Remember there are literally thousands of scholarship and grant opportunities for 4-H students all over the country
and right there in your local area. If you can’t find something up your alley, simply contact your college of choice’s financial aid office or your high school counselor and they will be able to help you find something to fit your needs and financial status.
That’s it for this week. Don’t let the holidays slow down your grant and scholarship search, you may miss out on a great opportunity!
Make sure to check back next week for another list of exciting and educational grant and scholarship opportunities. If you know of an opportunity that we haven’t featured here, please tell us about it in the comment field below!