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Cub Scout Pack Custom Embroidery

Activity Uniform of Model Rockets, Ghost stories, S’mores & Fun!

Cub Scout pack custom embroidery ordering is easy low prices free shipping
Custom Cub Scout Pack Embroidery

We can do a fully custom design for your Cub Scout Pack. From a drawing, a previous logo, or just an idea. Our talented artists can do anything! There is no extra charge for custom embroidery designs! Our staff are experts in BSA embroidery and will make sure your cub scout pack’s embroidery is perfect!

Cub Scout Pack Design Ideas

We have Cub Scout Pack embroidery design templates for almost any theme you can imagine. There are many BSA Cub Scout embroidery design ideas to choose from! Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? We also do fully custom design for your Cub Scout Pack at no extra charge!

Quality Art

What makes our embroidery look better than others? We pay special attention to our digitizing process! We make sure every logo and design element is perfect. The design on your Cub Scout Pack’s embroidered garments represents the Boy Scouts of America!

See All Cub Scout Pack Embroidery Design Ideas

Your Pack will look great in their new Embroidered Jackets, Polos, and Caps!

Boy Scout logo Embroidery

Single Piece BSA & Cub Scout logo Polos and Jackets

All logos include 2 lines of customization. Logos include Corporate logo, NYLT, wood badge, powderhorn, OA, venturing, cub scouts and the traditional BSA logo.

Boy Scout Logo Embroidery

Be a hero use the first time t-shirt buyers guide before ordering

New to buying embroidery for your Cub Scout Pack?

See our easy guide on how to make your custom embroidery a success for you and your Cub Scout Pack.

Cub Scout Embroidery Buyer’s Guide

Benefits of Cub Scout Embroidery for Your Pack

Everyone Can Wear a Cub Scout Embroidered Garment!

Cub Scout pack embroidery is a great way to build pride in your parents. Cub Scout Pack embroidered garments are a way for everyone to feel a part of the pack at events. An embroidered cap can make a new scout feel immediately welcome and a part of the Pack. Parents will want their own caps, jackets, or sweatshirts!

Keep Everyone Happy

Everyone wants something different? We can help with that! We offer over 100 different types of garment choices that can be embroidered. You can mix garment types like polos, caps, sweatshirts, and jackets to be decorated with your pack’s design. You can mix about any color or garment style in your order – no problem! Price will vary per garment type. The total quantity determines the price break. low prices for cub scout pack custom embroidery medallion


Start the conversation about your Pack! Your parents will wear their Cub Scout Pack embroidered garments to work, church and activities where they would never where their official uniform. In today’s plugged in society, it’s easy for scouting to go unnoticed in your community. The best tool for recruiting is your parents talking about the great things their kids are doing in scouting, and custom embroidered apparel will get the conversation started! cub scout embroidery is a great tool to recruit kids to join cub scouts

See what our Cub Scout Pack Customers have to say!

BSA Cub Scout Pack Photo Blog

Read customer stories and see their Cub Scout ClassB® embroidery in action!

Low Prices For Cub Scout Packs!

Tiger opening a box of BSA official licensee custom t-shirts

All Inclusive Pricing

Pricing for Cub Scout Embroidery is based on a few factors: type of garment, total quantity, and the locations embroidered. Always FREE artwork, setups, and shipping. Large sizes like 2XL through 5XL never cost more! We have convenient upfront price breaks that make it easy to understand the pricing model. Pricing is transparent so you can take it your Pack Committee and know exactly the price you’ll pay.

View pricing info for each design in the Cub Scout Pack Design Idea Viewer.

As long as you stick with the same design on all items, you can mix many different product types to get better price breaks. We have polo shirts, mens and womens shirts, hoodies, wicking polos, sweat shirts and wicking options – keep your entire Cub Scout Pack happy!

Child wearing custom t-shirt from ClassB

The ClassB Difference

ClassB® has earned the Boy Scouts of America® Quality Licensee award every year it has been available - more than any other BSA® licensee! Our high regard for quality is another reason why ClassB® is the best choice to make

Your Cub Scout Pack's Embroidered Garments

2021 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2020 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2019 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2018 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2017 BSA Quality Licensee Award
2019 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2018 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2017 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2015 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2014 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2013 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2012 BSA Quality Licensee Award 2011 BSA quality-licensee award 2010 BSA quality-licensee award 2009 BSA quality licensee award 2008 BSA quality licensee award 2007 BSA quality licensee award
As Seen in Boys Life
Boys Life magazine logo ClassB
In Scouting Magazine
Scouting magazine logo ClassB
At National Jamboree
National Jamboree 2013 ClassB Booth picture with boy scouts
100% Money Back Guarantee
No Hidden Charges If you’re not happy with your order, no problem! Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back!
99% Customer Satisfaction
See the overwhelming positive Survey Results and unedited Testimonials from our happy customers.

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BSA Scouting America official licensee seal

ClassB is an Official Licensee of Scouting America

Scouting America®, and the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Badges of Rank, Cub Scout™, Scouting®, Venturing® and all related marks are trademarks of Boy Scouts of America d/b/a Scouting America in the United States and/or other countries. Manufactured under license from the Boy Scouts of America d/b/a Scouting America. All rights reserved.

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