Hey Scouts! We wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe and happy Thanksgiving.
As you gather with your family and feast on that delicious turkey and stuffing, you should also remember what Thanksgiving Day is all about.

It is meant to be a day of giving thanks to all the people who help make your life better and easier. People like your parents and family, your Scout buddies and Scout Leaders, your church group and your teachers. Take a minute for each of them on Thursday and simply tell them, “Thank You.”
You should also be thankful for all of the things that you have. It’s easy to forget that not everyone can have a big turkey dinner, or a bicycle or a computer to browse the Internet on.
So have a great day and enjoy being with your family, but remember what Thanksgiving is for and really give thanks for all the things you have.
We won’t be publishing a news post this week, but we’ll be back next week with more awesome stories in the world of Scouting!
Happy Thanksgiving!