Let's talkt-shirts!

The Best Custom Scouting T-Shirts!

Activity Uniform of Derbies, Camping, S’mores, Fishing & Fun!
  boy scout Scouts BSA scouting america custom T-shirts and gear

cub scout pack design ideas for custom t-shirts over 500 choices

The Best
Cub Scout Pack
Custom T-Shirts

Cub Scout Pack T-Shirts

Boy Scout Troop design ideas for custom t-shirts over 500 choices

Scouting America Troop
Custom T-Shirts

Scouts BSA Troop T-Shirts

Custom T-shirts for Scouting Units

Custom Scout T-shirts

We know what makes great custom scout t-shirts for your unit. Our staff are experts in custom t-shirts and understand the terminology of Scouting. We will make sure your custom scouting t-shirts are perfect.

Scouts BSA T-shirt Design Ideas

Whether for a cub scout pack, Scouts BSA troop, crew, or even a ship – we have a design for your scout unit. There are over 1000 Scouts BSA t-shirt design ideas to choose from! We also do custom designs at no extra charge.

Quality Art

What makes our t-shirts look better than others? We pay special attention to our printing process. We make sure every logo and element is perfect. Your troop or pack t-shirt’s design represents your unit and scouting as a whole – it has to be correct. Our Art Team can do the Art ahead of the order!-Learn More!

See all Scouting T-Shirt Design Ideas!

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ClassB Custom T-Shirts

Any program in Scouting benefits from custom t-shirts. A camporee, troop, or pack t-shirt is much more likely to be worn at non-scout events. Scout T-shirts are conversation starters. With all the distractions today, people don’t notice advertising. They do notice what t-shirts people wear.

We Know Scouting

We have printed BSA ClassB T-shirts Since 1982. Our very first order ever was for Lynx Patrol T-shirts. We Love Scouting has been the defining part of our company and lives. A portion of every sale at ClassB goes to fund Scouting Programs.

boy scout troop graphic tees

Scout Graphic Tees

Eagle Scout T-Shirts | Scout Oath T-Shirts | Keep Calm
scout mom graphic tees

Scout Mom Graphic Tees

Eagle Scout Mom T-Shirts | Cub Scout Mom T-Shirts
custom boy scout troop patrol t-shirts

Scout Patrol T-Shirts

Custom T-shirts for your Patrol
scout wood badge graphic tees

Wood Badge Graphic Tees

Graphic Tees for Every Critter
Custom BSA wood badge t-shirts

Wood Badge Custom T-Shirts

Customize with your yell, motto, totem
Wood Badge Course Gear

High Adventure Trek This Summer?


Scout Custom T-shirt Design Idea Categories

See all Scout T-shirt Design ideas

BSA Class “B” Uniforms

A scout-related t-shirt is a part of the Activity uniform, which includes BSA shorts and BSA socks. The t-shirt is often referred to as a ClassB uniform. The class a is the Offical Uniform Shirt.

ClassB Scout Trading Post

Scout Store for patches, stickers, banners, embroidery, coins, ….Everything for Scouts and Scouters!

Visit the Scout Shop Trading Post

Scouting America Licensee – Troops | Cub Scout Packs | Councils

All Scout Licensed Products

Scouting Resources

Download e-books, games, website templates, and other program aids. Scouting Resources

Great volunteer resource blog with lots of great scouting articles:

blog and resources for scouts and BSA scout troops
BSA Scouting America official licensee seal

ClassB is an Official Licensee of Scouting America

Scouting America®, and the Universal Emblem, Arrow of Light®, Badges of Rank, Cub Scout™, Scouting®, Venturing® and all related marks are trademarks of Boy Scouts of America d/b/a Scouting America in the United States and/or other countries. Manufactured under license from the Boy Scouts of America d/b/a Scouting America. All rights reserved.

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